Liberty of the Seas (Royal Caribbean Cruise Line)

Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas

Nou-renovatul Liberty of the Seas are toate caracteristicile clasei Freedom plus altele noi ce iti vor stimula imaginatia. Fa cunostinta cu Shrek ca parte a experientei DreamWorks. Incalta-te cu pantofii comozi si fi gata pentru musicalul de pe Broadway - Saturday Night Fever. Urmareste un film in premiera in cinematograful tridimensional sau pe marginea piscinei, in aer liber. Seara, lasa-te sedus de selectia de vinuri rosii si albe in nou renovatul si mult mai intimul Vintages wine bar. In plus, bucura-te de caracteristicile revolutionare pentru care acest vas este bine-cunoscut, cum ar fi: Flowrider - simulator de surf, peretele de catarare, patinoarul, Promenada royal, terenul de mini-golf si multe altele.


  • Greutate

    154.407 tone

  • Capacitate

    3630 pasageri

  • Lungime

    339 m

  • Latime

    56 m

  • An constructie

    2007, renovat in 2016

  • Echipaj

    1397 persoane

  • Constructor

    Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Finlanda

Catalogare (stele):


Cost constructie:

590.000.000 $

Inregistrat in:



8.5 m

Total cabine:


Supr. cabinelor (mp):

13.8 mp - 188.1 mp

Tensiune electrica (V):


Punti accesibile:


Numar Piscine:


Numar Jacuzzi-uri:


Numar Lifturi:


Moneda utilizata:


Puntea 15

Pe puntea 15 se va regasi Capela Skylight.

Capela Skylight

Capela are o capacitate de 45 de locuri si este adesea folosita pentru nunti sau reinnoirea juramintelor cuplurilor aflate pe vas. 

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